Does Smoking Help With Anxiety?
If there is one thing that smoking is commonly associated with, it is that it is frequently used as a stress reliever during tough situations. All over popular media, like in movies, television shows, and music, smoking cigarettes or other forms of nicotine is seen as a quick relief for spikes in anxiety or nervousness. This could cause many people that suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder or other forms of anxiety to try smoking to quell some of its most annoying symptoms. But does smoking help with anxiety? Counseling of Southwest Florida and our Florida addiction therapy professionals take a closer look in the following article.

Casey is the founder and CEO of Portner Counseling Group (PCG), a counseling center in the Fort Lauderdale area, which specializes with issues related to drug and alcohol use. Casey has completed focused course work on the physiological aspects of drug addiction and human psychology, as well as received extensive training on the treatment of co-occurring disorders.