Does Social Media Have a Negative Impact on Mental Health?
Social media has become a mainstay in everyone’s life. Everyone has a mobile device with numerous social media apps installed on them, and one of the questions that accompany social media and its many applications is the impact that it has on someone’s mental health. Our Fort Myers trauma therapy has plenty of experience in the mental health field and is ready to answer any questions you may have about social media and its impact on your mental health. So, does social media have a negative impact on mental health? Counseling of Southwest Florida and our Florida addiction therapy center explore more about the social media effect on mental health in the following article.
Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health?
If you are an avid user of social media, the chances of it damaging your mental health are high. Using social media extensively could probably cause some self-esteem issues. What people fail to realize is that social media portrays an idealized version of someone’s life to their followers. Many people that are avidly on social media will also begin to think that these versions that people present of themselves are related to their everyday lives. They will then begin to compare their regular lives to other people’s idealized versions and wonder what is wrong with themselves. People that use social media avidly are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and confidence issues because of this facet of social media. If you believe that you have been suffering from low self-esteem, deleting your social media profiles may be a good first step to improving your confidence.
Pros and Cons of Social Media on Mental Health
While there are certainly some negative aspects of social media on mental health, not everything that has to do with it is negative. For instance, social media is a great way to connect with family and friends that are not easily reachable through other means. Being connected with distant family members could also have a positive impact on your mental health. This is especially true for people that have family members in different countries or going to college in different states. This way of staying connected is a great way to experience positive mental health impacts. There are other pros for mental health on social media, thanks to the short-term validation that someone could feel when they interact with their friends or when their followers “like” their pictures.
Deleting Social Media for Mental Health
Does social media have a negative impact on mental health, and does deleting the app have positive effects? It is commonly noted that deleting social media profiles could have many different positive effects on someone’s mental health. For one, this allows people to only concentrate on their immediate friends and social circle. There is a line of thinking about this topic that explains that human beings are not evolved to interact with so many people and that social media gives us this capability, which we are not evolved to deal with. Also, our therapy for anger management services would like to note that repeated exposure to someone or something that makes you angry through social media can spur an angry episode. The same is true for grief and loss and drug addiction, as being exposed to photos or videos of your triggers could cause a relapse or new episode.
More About Counseling of Southwest Florida
Does social media have a negative impact on mental health? We hope that we have answered the question for you in this article. We are an experienced Sarasota grief counseling and mental health service that is here to make sure that our customers receive the top-notch care that they deserve. Our wide spectrum of services was designed to help people with their emotional or interpersonal issues. Some of our most popular services include the Batterer intervention program, group therapy for bipolar disorder, and marriage counseling in Florida, among other things. Contact us today to learn more.

Casey is the founder and CEO of Portner Counseling Group (PCG), a counseling center in the Fort Lauderdale area, which specializes with issues related to drug and alcohol use. Casey has completed focused course work on the physiological aspects of drug addiction and human psychology, as well as received extensive training on the treatment of co-occurring disorders.