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Anger Management Counseling

We are all familiar with the feeling of anger. Sometimes, it appears as a fleeting annoyance, and other times it is a full-fledged rage. It is a normal human emotion that people experience every day. Anger is a natural, adaptive response to a perceived threat that causes powerful and sometimes aggressive feelings and actions. It prepares us to fight, to defend ourselves, and in some cases to survive. There are, however, some people that are not able to control their sense of anger, allowing it to spiral out of control when it is not deemed necessary for the situation.  Someone who finds that their anger flares up, becomes explosive, and ends up harming themselves or others physically or emotionally is struggling with anger management issues. A person struggling with anger issues may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Name calling
  • Lashing out
  • Criticizing
  • Short patience and temper
  • Irritability
  • Withdrawing
  • Violence

hands holding other hands

The Damaging Effects of Anger


High emotional states associated with intense anger lead to uncomfortable and problematic behavior. A person struggling with anger issues can feel the effects in their personal relationships, in their work life, and the overall quality of their daily life. They may find themselves wrapped up in legal issues because of their seemingly unmanageable behavior. It can feel unpredictable and powerful. Some people suppress their angry due to a lack of effective anger management methods. Suppressing anger instead of effectively managing it can turn it inward, diminishing health by leading to hypertension, high blood pressure, and depression.


Control Anger Before It Controls You


Learning how to control anger isn’t as easy as one might think, which is why it’s important to seek professional help. Counseling of Southwest Florida has a team of licensed mental health professionals with specialized training in anger management therapy and counseling.  We work with you one on one, in a group setting, or a family session to identify personal triggers for anger, and teach positive ways to manage and cope with those feelings. Among many anger management techniques, our team will help you establish ways to calm down internally, which involves controlling outward behavior and internal responses, which helps you to calm yourself down and allow the feelings to subside. You can receive anger management counseling a safe, private, and professional setting which will allow you to explore your own emotions, attitudes, and believes, and learn how conflict resolution and effective communication.

Counseling of Southwest Florida offers court approved anger management counseling to assist those facing legal dilemmas due to anger management issues. We receive referrals from attorneys, judges, and others within the judicial system to act as a positive alternative to serving jail time.

It is never too late to turn your life around. Find quality, effective anger management counseling in Naples with the help of Counseling of Southwest Florida. Contact us today to learn about our customized anger therapy programs, and see how we can help you regain control.