Addiction Recovery Begins Here
The word addiction highlighted in pink

I’m Not an Addict: Reasons to Address Your Addiction

Every Saturday, you go out to the bar with your friends, and every Sunday, you wake up not remembering the night before. Or you go to your friend’s house and pop a few Ecstacy pills a few times a month. You aren’t hurting anyone, right? You might think, “I’m not an addict,” but if you try to quit these habits without success, you might want to think again.

At Counseling of Southwest Florida, we know that addiction comes in all shapes and sizes. Below we will discuss addiction and when you might want to get help.

What Is Addiction?

Addiction can be difficult to define and even more difficult to see in ourselves. When we hear the word, we associate it with the negative, and we don’t want to be associated with that. But what is addiction? According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “addiction is a state of psychological or physical dependence (or both) on the use of alcohol or other drugs. The term is often used as an equivalent term for substance dependence and sometimes applied to behavioral disorders.”1

Things You Can Be Addicted To

Knowing what addiction is might be the first step in approaching addiction, but it’s not the only step. It’s also important to understand the different things you can be addicted to. In addition to the more common addictions of cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol, there are some less common addictions that you may or may not have heard of. 

Some people are addicted to their phones, having them on their person 24/7. They might feel anxious when they have left their phone behind because they think they might be missing something important. People can also have food-related addictions. In addition to alcohol, many are addicted to caffeine and the burst of energy that it provides. Sweets such as chocolate can also be addictive, contributing to the country’s obesity problems.

But what about shopping, tanning, plastic surgery, or even exercise? Are these things that one can be addicted to? The answer is a resounding yes. You can have an addiction whenever you have a dependence on a thing or an activity. Though some addictions are more severe than others, it’s important to realize if you have a problem and if you need help.

Do I Have an Addiction?

If you are looking to answer, “Do I have an addiction?” you might want to get with a professional therapist. A therapist can review what you believe you might be addicted to. The therapist can then help determine if you have an addiction if it’s negatively affecting your life, and ways that you can overcome your addiction.

Why Should I Address My Addiction?

If you recognize the signs of addiction in yourself or a loved one, it might be time to reach out for help. When looking for counselors in Southwest Florida for yourself or your loved one, call our admissions team at 239-775-0039 or visit our Southwest Florida treatment center today and get the help you or a loved one needs. Addressing your addiction is the first step in treating it, and this is the best reason to reach out for help.

Speak with one of our admissions specialists, who are ready to give you complete details regarding each step of the process. You also visit our resources page to find out more about our services and things you can do. At Counseling of Southwest Florida, we’re here to help.


1 – APA –