Drugs That Cause Skin Picking and Why It Happens
Drugs and skin sores as a result of skin picking are not only a common stereotype related to the people who have substance abuse issues but are also one of the very real physical side effects of the abuse of certain narcotics. Counseling of Southwest Florida has years of experience providing both group and individual counseling in Naples, FL, and has taken it upon themselves to create this quick overview of drugs that cause skin picking and why picking occurs. If you are worried about drug abuse in somebody you know and love, be sure to keep an eye out for pick marks as it could be a sign that drug abuse is occurring.
What Drugs Cause Skin Picking?
It is important to understand what drugs cause skin sores from picking to establish what narcotic abuse somebody may be experiencing when they have these drug sores. Although this list does not include every single drug that could be causing the picking, these are certainly the most commonly used that result in this side effect being present.
- Methamphetamines
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Many Prescriptions Medications
Although the first three are easily recognizable illicit drugs that cause skin picking, prescription drugs on this list are relatively vague. This is due to the fact that the side effect of picking could become present even if the prescription was taken as the doctor recommended. The abuse of drugs and skin picking may not always be connected, but in most cases, there is likely a link between the two.
Why Scratches and Sores from Drug Use Occur
Now that you have a better understanding of what drugs cause skin sores from picking, it is important to investigate why drugs and skin picking occurs. When it comes to heroin and cocaine, the answers are easier to define and are not as worrying. Abusers of these narcotics are simply experiencing a side effect of irritation that can lead to scratching and picking as a result of said irritation. When it comes to methamphetamines, the reasons are more worrisome to many people.
Meth picking is often the result of what users call “meth mites.” These “bugs” are a hallucination that users experience where the sensation of bugs crawling under the skin. This hallucination is so intense that it is common for people to scratch or pick at the imagined insects with the intent of removing them. Methamphetamine can cause many hallucinations, but “meth mites” are the one that gives away the fact that somebody may have a problem with their use of the substance. Though drugs that cause skin picking are commonly found on the streets, it is no excuse to find the behavioral symptoms of their use anything but troublesome.
Get Help With Our Southwest Florida Counseling Center
If you or somebody you know is experiencing issues with drug abuse, be sure to get in touch with the professionals at Counseling of Southwest Florida to get them or yourself the help needed to kick the addiction. Get started on the path to health and happiness today, or reach out to our team to learn more about the process today. Also, be sure to read some of our other articles to get further insights into the benefits of counseling, drug addiction, mental health, and more.
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Casey is the founder and CEO of Portner Counseling Group (PCG), a counseling center in the Fort Lauderdale area, which specializes with issues related to drug and alcohol use. Casey has completed focused course work on the physiological aspects of drug addiction and human psychology, as well as received extensive training on the treatment of co-occurring disorders.